The Return of the Exiles

By: Howard Flower
Posted March 3, 2025

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is gearing up for a banner year in Aliyah – the incredible modern-day Return of the Jewish exiles to their ancestral homeland in Israel. Our efforts will intensify in the coming weeks, as the ICEJ will be sponsoring flights for 154 Jewish immigrants from France, 100 from Russian-speaking countries and 26 Ethiopian Jews.

Last year, the ICEJ assisted 3,653 Jews in their Aliyah and Integration process in Israel, which was 11.3% of the total immigration figures for 2024. That brings our cumulative total to 188,977 Jews assisted with Aliyah since the Christian Embassy’s founding in 1980.

An El Al plane used for Aliyah flights. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Despite the current war, the Jewish Agency For Israel has set a goal of bringing 300,000 Jews home to Israel over the next five years. The Christian Embassy will be working alongside JAFI to bring more Jewish families home, as we hope to increase our share of the overall Aliyah figures. But we need your help in carrying out this prophetic vision of the great Ingathering the Jewish people from around the world in our day.

Our Feast theme from last October resonates well with the current wave of Jewish immigration to Israel. “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit,” taken from Zechariah 4:6, reminds us of God’s hand behind the ongoing Jewish return to Eretz Israel.

Michael Utterback carries a Jewish woman during the ICEJ assisted ‘Exobus’ project where more than 35,000 Jewish immigrants arrived in the 1990s.

The Hebrew prophet Zechariah played a major role in encouraging the Jewish people during their return from Babylonian exile in the 6th century BC. Zechariah’s prophecies, rich in apocalyptic visions and messianic overtones, offered hope and assurance of divine fidelity to His covenant with Israel.

His prophetic words and visions are relevant to not only the post-exilic period but also to our present day, as Israel has been restored as a nation and their Messianic expectations are rising.

The Jewish people’s return to their homeland is not so much a result of human effort or political manoeuvring as a divine work orchestrated by God. This supernatural dimension of Aliyah is often overlooked in secular discussions but it remains central to understanding the clear prophetic significance of Israel’s rebirth today.

In 2014 ICEJ funded emergency flights to bring hundreds of endangered Ukrainian Jews to Israel.

Even in Zechariah’s time, the Jewish return from Babylon was attributed to divine intervention. God touched the hearts of Persian kings, particularly Cyrus, to allow and even encourage the Jews to return to their homeland. We can only understand such historic events when we view them through a spiritual lens.

The period following the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem saw a spiritual renewal and revival among the people. Zechariah 8:23 also prophesies a future time of global revival when “ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’”

Even the revival following the return from Babylon was not limited to the Jewish people but had a broader impact on the surrounding nations. This foreshadowed the global impact which Israel’s restoration today would have today in the ultimate fulfilment of the Great Commission.

An example of a Sukkah or Booth seen annually during the Feast of Tabernacles.

The modern-day rediscovery of the Feast of Tabernacles, which had been largely neglected by the Jewish people for many centuries, has become a key aspect of this renewal. Nehemiah 8:17 records that the entire assembly of those who had returned from exile celebrated the Feast of Succotor Booths, noting that it had not been observed in this manner since the days of Joshua. This return to biblical observance symbolised Israel’s spiritual recommitment to their divine covenant with God.

Thus, the biblical theme “By My Spirit” takes on added significance in the context of modern Aliyah. The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent waves of Jewish immigration from around the world have often been viewed through the lens of political and military achievements. Yet behind these visible efforts lies an invisible hand, working to fulfil ancient biblical prophecies.

New immigrants were welcomed at Ben Gurion Airport in 2019. (Photo: JAFI)

Therefore, the Hebrew commentaries on Zechariah emphasize that the prophet’s visions extend far beyond his immediate context, pointing to a future time when Jews would be gathered from the four corners of the earth. This global Ingathering, according to Zechariah 10:8-10, would be so extensive that there would not be enough room for all the returnees. This prophecy so clearly reflects the modern Aliyah, which has seen millions of Jews return to Israel from diverse countries and cultures.

The spiritual aspect of the modern-day Aliyah is vitally important. It involves not only the physical return of Jews to Israel but also a spiritual awakening among the Jewish people. Zechariah 12:10 speaks of a time when God will “pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication.” This spiritual revival is seen as an integral aspect of Israel’s restoration, pointing to a deeper purpose beyond their mere geographical relocation.

There has been, no doubt, a supernatural side to Israel’s preservation and restoration over the millennia. Despite centuries of persecution, dispersion, and attempts at annihilation, the Jewish people have maintained their identity and their connection to the Land of Israel. This survival and eventual return defy natural explanations and are nothing less than the fulfilment of divine promises.

Both Jews and Christians must recognise this amazing restoration as an ongoing work which requires continued reliance on its underlying spiritual dynamic. This calls for humility and dependence on God’s power to complete His work not only in Israel but also out among the nations.

We have seen that Zechariah directly connects the current return of Jews to Israel with previous returns and revivals, helping us see it is all part of a divine plan playing out down through history. As we witness the ongoing fulfilment of biblical prophecies in contemporary times, we are encouraged to look beyond the visible aspects of Israel’s restoration to recognise the unseen spiritual forces bringing about God’s redemptive purposes for the Jewish people and, by extension, for all nations.

This all requires that we pray for the continuing return of the Jewish exiles to the Land of Israel. And that we pray about what we can do individually to help bring it about in the natural, as God faithfully works to bring about His ultimate spiritual purposes through Israel and dedicated Christians worldwide.

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